Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

Iphone 4G

Cellphones, Mobile Handsets
iPhone 4 review
By Joshua Topolsky posted Jun 22nd 2010 6:01PM
The iPhone 4 is no small thing to review. As most readers of Engadget are well aware, in the gadget world a new piece of Apple hardware is a major event, preceded by rumors, speculation, an over-the-top announcement, and finally days, weeks, or months of anticipation from an ever-widening fan base.

The iPhone 4 is certainly no exception -- in fact, it may be Apple's most successful launch yet, despite some bumps on the road. We've already seen Apple and AT&T's servers overloaded on the first day of pre-orders, the ship date for the next set of phones pushed back due to high demand, and die-hard fans in line outside of Apple locations a week before the phone is actually available. It's a lot to live up to, and the iPhone 4 is doing its best -- with features like a super-fast A4 CPU, a new front-facing camera and five megapixel shooter on the back, a completely new industrial design, and that outrageous Retina Display, no one would argue that Apple has been asleep at the wheel.

So the question turns to whether or not the iPhone 4 can live up to the intense hype. Can it deliver on the promises Steve Jobs made at WWDC, and can it cement Apple's position in the marketplace in the face of mounting competition from the likes of Google and Microsoft?

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Consistent Profit on Forex

There are many tips out there that "show" you how to win at Forex, but not all of them can make you succeed online. First things first, let us start at the premise no material or "guru" can guarantee you achieve financial success consistently at Forex, the only person who can do that is you. The materials and forex education programs are developed to help you plan your trade and develop within you the discipline and tap the side of you who wants to win at Forex.

You do not want to win in Forex, you want to earn big CONSISTENTLY. There are wins out there and there are losses, and your fear of losing cannot be fixed by any medicine, but the only way to eradicate this fear is by understanding. And by understanding foreign exchange, there is knowledge and success.

Here are four simple steps in eliminating fear and achieving financial success at Forex.

1. Get Currency Education. The basis of all understanding is opening your mind to ideas and methods you may or may not have encountered before. Getting Educated with a credible Forex Course is the starting point of achieving the results you want.

The tricky part is there are a lot of information sources out there, choose wisely in whatever course you may go into. Free courses are great, but paid courses have credible persons behind it, such as Forex mentor. Education in Forex is like school or a university, private investment in education is an investment here that can pay you back tenfold.

2. Finding the best trading method. How will you know if it is "best" for you? Here is a simple tip, no matter how complex or simple a forex method is for you, you cannot succeed if you cannot understand and apply it.

There are methods out there that may seem complex, and one may find a complex method "more effective" in one way or another. The truth is that a complex method is just a combination of some simple ones used in an awkward manner. Find a method that you can easily understand and apply.

3. Discipline and Sacrifice. Sacrifice may mean negative to some of us, but technically, sacrifice is one's giving up of a lesser thing to gain a bigger thing. In Forex, some losses may be the "lesser thing" I was talking about, and the bigger thing you may get is education and experience. Adding it with time, and the bigger thing may not be only the education and experience, it is certain that so is your profits!

Discipline is another way to put the word consistency. If you cannot be consistent at Forex, there is no learning, and when there is no learning, there is no consistent profits. Taking time to study and discover new methods and approaches and sticking to it is what makes winners.

4. Be simple. Forex doesn't have to be that hard on you! Over analyzing things, especially in Forex may just cause stress and occasional headaches. When analyzing trends and methods, look at the bigger picture in you mind, this will become clear and open you ideas you may not have seen or heard before.

If you know how to trade in the end of day basis, you will discover that you can be financially successful and rich with Forex. It requires less time, less stress, more patience and a different Forex trading method /rules than Day Trading.

Forex Trading is truly an option to create wealth and time freedom at the same time. Even successful traders experience loss, but following the four simple steps above can remove the side within you that has the fear, and lets out in you a side that wants to win.

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

WOW Money!

Not enough money to buy the equipment you need? The amount of money you need for your epic flyig mount seems impossible to get? Looking for a good method to make WoW money? I know your frustration, I've been there too. Therefore, in this article I will show you how to make WoW money at a decent rate, even if you don't have an epic flying mount.

This is my number one method to make WoW money and even if it's easy to apply, it has some requirements. In the next paragraph I will tell you what you need to have on your character to be able to apply this method.

The requirements of my number one method to make WoW money

As I said you don't need an epic flying mount to do this, actually this being my way of making the money I need for my "bird". However, ground epic mount is a good thing to have. You'll be needing to move as fast as possible to be ahead your competitors. The second requirement is mining. To make WoW money my way, you need minimum 275 mining skill, to be able to dig up Thorium. The third thing you need is 250 skill in jewelcrafting, to be able to prospect the thorium. For this method to make WoW money go smoother, it's a good thing to be at least level 67. This way you will minimize your aggro and you will be able to move easily throughout the mobs. Last but not least, you need to be extremely sharp. You need to spot and pick up all the ore that you see on your radar, because that is your money. As you may see, my method is based on mining thorium and prospecting it. In the next part of this article I will reveal exactly how to do it and where to do it.

My number one method to make WoW money

The best place to gather Thorium is Silithus. The places with the highest concentration of this metal are at the three insect hives located to the North, South-East and South-West. I usually start at the northern lair. When I've drained all the resources at one of the lairs, I simply move to the other. After finishing with the third, I go back to the first. By this time, new Thorium nodes should be up again at the first location. As I said at the requirements section, it's a good thing to be level 67+ to avoid the aggro easily and focus on the mining.

After an hour of mining here I end up with 5 stacks of Thorium ore. Now, even if you don't have jewelcrafting, you can sell the ore at the Auction House, or turn it into bars and sell them (whichever are more expensive).

Sometimes the thorium price goes up to 50g per stack because this metal is very needed especially for engineering, jewelcrafting and blacksmithing. If you have jewelcrafting (250+ skill) it's even better. Prospecting the ore you can get even more cash then just selling the pure ore. For example, after a one hour session last night I got 5 stacks of thorium as usual. Prospecting them I ended up with: 5 Huge Emeralds (25g a piece), 6 Azerothian Diamonds (20g a piece), 4 Large Opals (18g a piece), 4 Blue Sapphires (18g a piece) and 5 Star Rubies (9g a piece). This brought me a total of 434g. Not bad for an hour of mining/prospecting.
As I said this is my number one method to make WoW money and it works perfectly for gathering your cash for the epic flying mount.

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

Long Lines = Extra Money

Disneyland is one of the most popular attractions in the world. They bring tens of thousands of people to their gates every day. Like any other amusement park in the world you have to prepare to serve your time in line. Nevertheless, there are still some things that you can do in order to avoid long lines during your Disneyland visit. Here are some of them.

Arrive At The Park Early

As the saying goes, the Early Bird Gets The Worm, in this case your worm would be the comfort of not having to wait in extremely long lines and seeing most of the park while others are still stuck in line. Beating the crowd is definitely effective here at Disneyland. statistics show that park lines are always shorter during the morning.

Take this advantage by visiting the popular attractions and rides first. Create a game plan with your family and map out where you need to be to hit the best and most popular rides first. With this plan you will be able to visit the minor attractions during mid-day when all other people are busy lining up for the major rides.

Arrive Later

Another way to avoid lines would be by targeting the popular rides and attractions much later in your day. However, this strategy is only recommended if you really can't be there early. If you access the best rides during the evening hours, there will be fewer lines to fall into on your part.

Dinner time is a good time to go for the popular rides. You can expect that everyone else will be hitting the restaurants and having their magical Disney dinner. Dinner time is also parallel to a majority of entertainment shows. You can expect that a bulk of the park visitors will definitely be off somewhere else.

Take Advantage Of The FastPass Ticketing System

Everybody needs a FastPass. Which is great for you since everyone gets a FastPass no matter what kind of ticket they purchased. Although it entail a little planning, this system could really pay you big dividends especially with saving time.

To make the most out of this system, your best bet would be reserving tickets early and targeting the more popular rides during the morning. Another advantage is that you can get these tickets through phone or on the Internet. This type of ticket is only offered for the most popular attractions and busiest rides.

You could may get a FastPass through the FastPass automated machines that can be found near the FastPass equipped rides. These machines are fast and easy to use. Don't expect to be placed in front of the line. The FastPass allows you to make a reservation with the ride while you go do something else.

Senin, 23 Februari 2009

Fund Travel Pricing


Funds transfer pricing is an internal measurement and allocation process that assigns a profit contribution value to funds gathered and lent or invested by the bank. It is a critical component of the profitability measurement process, as it allocates the major contributor to profitability, net interest margin.


Financial institutions act as intermediaries of deposit and loanable funds. The institution's business units routinely receive funds from their depositing customers and other third parties. These funds are subsequently invested in loans and investments, sometimes through different business units, to borrowing customers and other third parties.

Financial agreements between the financial institution and its customers described the amount, term and interest rate of funds collected and invested. The interest payments on these funds contribute to the institution's overall net interest margin.

The institution's net interest margin is the difference between interest revenue earned on funds used to acquire assets less the interest expense on funds gathered. The institution's net interest margin, and the value of its financial contracts fluctuate as market conditions and the underlying cash flow of the funds change over time.

Business units and customers participate in the continuous funds intermediation process that creates the net interest margin. However, the contribution to the net margin and value is not equal by all participants. Business units and customers rarely provide the same amount of funds as they use. The discrete contribution of funds transformed within the intermediation process must be measured and assigned when assessing their overall profit contribution of business units, products and customers. This is the function of a funds transfer pricing process.


Numerous transfer-pricing methods have been advanced in order to address the issue of identifying the net margin and value contribution of funds gathered and used. Most of the suggested methods fall into one of two major categories: pooled approaches or specific assignment approaches. Under either of these two general approaches, a transfer rate is assigned to the funds provided or used. The transfer rate provides the basis for the allocation of contribution to the institution's overall margin.

Under pooled approaches, funds are assigned to one or more pools created under a pre-defined set of criteria. Criteria for pool classification may be based on type, term, repricing term, origination, or other fund attributes. The transfer rate assigned to individual pools is derived either internally, based on actual rates earned or paid, or alternatively, by market-derived interest rates.

Single pool - Single Rate method's choice of transfer rate biases contribution measurement results. Under the single pool method, a transfer rate based on the cost of funds favors net fund user's contribution. Transfer rates based on asset yields favors net funds provider's contribution.

The shortcoming of a single pool FTP mechanism is that it assumes all funds have equal importance to the financial institution. Because a single rate applies to funds equally, the method does not differentiate value based on the attributes of the funds provided or used, nor market conditions at the time of transaction origination.

Multiple Pools - Multiple transfer rates methods go beyond simple pool methods by including fund attributes, primarily their maturity, when assigning a contribution value to funds. Under this approach, numerous pools are created, each spanning a unique segment of the maturity spectrum. The assigned transfer rate of each pool is based on its maturity and prevailing interest rates. Long maturity pools receive a long-term rate, while short-term pools receive a transfer rate reflective of their shorter tenor. Other unique fund attributes may also be considered when assigning a contribution value.

The number and nature of the pools created should reflect the major maturity aspects of the balance sheet, which varies by institution. Each pool's transfer rate is representative of the prevailing market rate for its term. Because the transfer rates are based on market rates, the determination of contribution value reflects the competitive nature of the financial intermediation process. Funds provided at rates below the prevailing market rates are accorded greater contribution value. Funds employed at rates above the prevailing market are accorded greater contribution value.

When determining the ongoing source of transfer rates used in multiple pool approaches, two alternatives are available. The first alternative is to use contemporary market rates, while the second alternative is to use market rates prevailing at the time of transaction origination.

Multiple pool approaches that use contemporary market rates lack the ability to benchmark management decisions made at the time of initial transaction pricing. To evaluate pricing decisions for transactions originating in prior periods, the contribution value must be benchmarked against the prevailing rates at time of origination. To address this condition, a variation of the multiple pool method creates a series of pools of a historical nature.

Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

Forex Trading

Everybody starts out in FOREX Trading wanting to make money but a whopping 95% of Traders lose, which leaves 5% winners. So what is it that the 5% of FOREX Traders are doing to make them win in FOREX Trading. What are the mistakes that the 95% of people are making, and how can you avoid them!

One of the major reasons that so many people lose when it comes to FOREX trading is that they believe they have a sure fire winning FOREX trading system or FOREX robot that is going to make them rich. The first thing to take from this is that making money from FOREX Trading is not easy, and it does take some skill.
Think about this for minute if it was so easy to win, everybody would be FOREX Trading and if a Robot was so successful would you in fact sell that robot? Probably not! More often than not people that develop these FOREX Robots sell them and this is how they generate their income and not from FOREX FX REPORT. So be very careful when it comes to buying a FOREX Robot especially off the back of all the claims they make.

The second group just don't understand the unique skills you need to win and they have the following misconceptions:

If they work hard they will win but effort counts for nothing in FOREX trading, just being right does and this means you have to work smart - not hard.

Some people believe that they need to have a highly complicated trading system to be successful, however the opposite is more likely, the less complicated the better.

Another portion of this group, believes the myths that can be found all on internet which include:

- Scalping and day trading is a way to make massive money

- You can predict FOREX markets in advance

- Buy low sell high is a great way to make money

- FOREX markets move to science and a mathematical theory

There are many more and the above are just a few myths.

This group wants to put in effort but they do so in the wrong areas and lose, because they simply get the wrong FOREX education.

How to be successful

To learn to trade FOREX is easy anyone can learn a logical robust system that can make gains but that is not all you need for success - you need the right mindset to apply it and this means trading with discipline. It is not just matter following these systems.

Discipline is the key to success and you have to understand that you will have losing streaks, so you must stick to your rules and trading plans.

Discipline comes from the right FOREX education and having confidence in your trading plan. For further educational information feel free to visit the FOREX FX REPORT, as they have a lot of educational information and can help you find the best FOREX Broker.

To be a successful FOREX Trader you don’t have to just work hard, work smarter, use simple systems and have discipline.

Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

Cheap Transport

Prices go higher every year, especially the cost of gas. Transportation is one big factor that makes the household budget difficult to cover all your expenses. Here are some guidelines to help you save money from transportation:

1. To save money, you must always check on your vehicle regularly. A well-maintained vehicle can get you out of trouble on repair expenses. You can actually spend only $50 on maintaining your vehicle and save up to $800 on repair costs in a year. You can even save more if you do the maintenance yourself and not bring your car into an auto shop.

2. If you want to save more money, it is recommended not to buy a new car. The value of a car depreciates automatically when you drive it out off the showroom of the car dealer shop. You may buy a car that is used at least one year. It will save you thousands of dollars to the actual worth of the car when it was new. The owner will then pay all the depreciated value of the car.

3. Save money on buying used cars by comparing the prices of the car dealer and the actual price on the list of the used car dealer ads. To ensure the car that you buy is well conditioned, you may ask for the help of a mechanic to check if the car is good enough for its price. It is better to buy a used car from a person you know and trust. This will help you make sure that you have a good deal in acquiring a car.

4. Try to compare gasoline rates. You may refuel your car with the gasoline station that offers the lowest price on gasoline. You can even save more by pumping gas yourself and use the lowest octane in your car’s manual. It is also recommended that you pay cash than credit cards that charge extra rates. Do not forget to check the gas cap if it is tightened to ensure no gas is spilled out.

5. Always keep your engine tuned-up and have your tires inflated to their desired pressure to save you more money. A well-maintained engine consumes less gas. Keep your car’s trunk clean to save more fuel. Heavy loads in your vehicle can consume more fuel because of the excess weight it carries.

6. Try to limit the use of your car on your daily route. You may take the bus or the subway to save gasoline. You can also save time by ignoring the traffic that you encounter everyday on the streets.

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009


Importance Of Medical Insurance In One’s Life Medical insurance is a means to hedge against any medical emergency that may come to some person. It is an agreement between the insurance company and the person whereby the person pays an amount of money to the insurance company to get medical coverage by the company at the time of his or her medical treatment. Through medical insurance, one can remain sure of getting proper medical treatment whatever the cost maybe. This makes medical insurance of great importance to every one of us. One has to pay premiums to the insurance company so that in the event of medical need, the company pays the often exorbitant fees for medical treatment.

An individual who is planning to go for medical insurance must make a comparative evaluation of different medical insurance quotes of the insurance plan providers. By doing this, the individual can make decisions about the kind of medical insurance plans he or she should go for themselves in addition to knowing the different plans for health and medical insurance that are available. There are numerous medical insurance companies available that have their own insurance quotes. These quotes could be learnt from the company offices or in their official websites. The companies set the rate of medical insurance premiums and these rates are regulated by each of the state. Medical insurance are available in different types that depend on situation as well as the purpose for going for insurance. The different types of insurance available are Medical insurance for the individual, Medical insurance for the family, Medical insurance for a group of individuals, International medical insurance, Travel medical insurance and Major medical insurance. The business of insurance has expanded rapidly.

People go for insurance to safeguard against unforeseen conditions of damage or loss that may overcome their property and health. There are a good number of insurance policies that are available that promises lucrative offers to those who go for them. Selecting medical insurance policy requires a cool judgment of the different insurance polices. One must compare these insurance policies and find out the one that best suits his or her needs. All the important insurance information like rate and premiums, fee structures and charges and the different benefits that are available with the policy must be accessed before going for some particular policy. The details of the insurance companies are to be taken care of and are to be seen about any restrictions that are present. One should consult the insurance brokers and agents who provide the correct information on insurance policies with all the positive and negative sides of the policies. There are a good number of insurance companies found around the world.

In addition to medical insurance, one can go for auto Insurance, travel insurance and home insurance. Some of the insurance companies that are popular and well-known are Allianz (Germany), Assicuraziona Generali (Italy), Nippon Life Insurance (Japan), Zurich Financial services (Switzerland), AIG (US), Aviva (UK) and LIC (India). In all there are over 21 different types of medical insurance available in the U.S. and 25 other countries around the world. One of the internet websites that provides comprehensive information on medical insurance is a1onlineinsurance .com.

Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

No credit check payday advance

No credit check payday advance, payday loan, cash advance, faxless cash advance, are some of the terms that you must have heard. These are different terms, but they all refer to the same thing- a short term payday loan.

Most of these terms signify the advantages that are associated with these paycheck loans. For example, no credit check payday advance refers to the fact that when you apply for a payday loan, your credit is not checked. So, even if you have a bad credit history, you can still hope to get a no credit check payday loan.

Financial Wonders

No verification payday loans are also called "financial wonders." In fact, they are amazing financial tools that have helped millions stay above the water in times of financial emergencies. They are called so because it is very easy to apply and get one. One can apply online and have the funds within 24 hours. You do not have to submit any documents, provide any collateral, or have your credit checked.

No credit check payday advance is definitely a financial wonder, because it offers an individual who is in cash trouble, the tool to find a solution. Let us consider an example of a single mom who has fallen sick. She does not have enough money to pay for the doctor's fee and at the same time, she cannot afford to be on medical leave for several days. A no credit check payday advance can help her pay her doctor's bill and return to work as soon as possible. On the next payday, she can pay back the borrowed amount.

If used wisely, these personal advances are definitely a great fiscal tool. However, if used unwisely, they can soon become a burden. Many people say that this fast cash option is useless because in the end you have to pay a high APR. However, one must remember that a payday loan is a short term one. If paid back on the first due date, it is definitely advantageous. However, if you keep on extending the repayment term, you would end up paying a lot in interest charges and rollover fees.

Financial Discipline

To avoid getting into a money problem due to a payday loan, you must make sure that you take one only when you absolutely need it. Try paying it back on the first due date. If you have to extend it, you must extend it only once. Manage your finances very carefully to avoid any monetary crunch. If you have control over your expenses and you know you can repay the sum on the first due date, then there is no reason why you should not go for it.

Credit check payday advance is basically a short term loan that usually has to be paid back on your next payday. It is a great financial tool to help you when you face a nasty cash crunch. You get this loan even with a bad credit history as a no credit check payday loan. Obviously, it is imperative that you use it wisely as it has a high APR due to its being one of the no verification payday loans.

Article Source:

Minggu, 04 Januari 2009

Pre Paid Debit Card

Many people have reservations about applying for something like a credit card. These reservations are often based on sound fact; people don't like the thought of spending money that they don't have, in case they cannot pay it back and will end up having to pay more than they used due to the accumulated interest.

Other people have reservations about making online payments with their credit cards, as they know little about Internet transactions except for the fact that some people are capable of stealing credit information and using it to their own advantage.

For others, a bad credit history or a tendency to overspend stands in the way of getting a major credit card. Still, not having a credit card can prove to be very difficult in today's world, where plastic tends to be a major form of acceptable payment.

Usually Debit Cards are used as a viable alternative for people who struggle with these issues and yet still need access to the benefits a credit card can provide.

Debit Cards operate like credit cards, where the user provides a signature in order to approve a transaction. Unlike a credit card, however, users are not spending future money on the prepaid debit card. Instead, they will put money onto the card using a variety of available methods. Once this money is gone, the card holder will not be able to make further purchases on the card. In other words, using this card means that the consumer can never spend money that they don't have.

There are several ways that a user can go about loading a Debit Card. A direct deposit form can be downloaded and given to employers, allowing them to put paychecks directly on the card. Users can also load these cards through wire transfer or ATM transfer, but should keep in mind that most of these methods will incur additional fees. These cards also have one-time activation fees, and usually additional monthly fees also apply. These fees are generally higher than those asked for by other prepaid cards.

Issuers of Debit Cards usually have a points program. Points are accumulated each time a user chooses to use these cards in order to make a purchase. Users usually earn about one point for every dollar that is spent using debit cards, and these points can be applied towards various products and services.

Debit Card users can usually view their accounts online, and customer phone lines are usually available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Because Debit Cards are not credit based, there is no credit check or security deposit required with these types of cards. Users will, however, be able to add to their credit history as they make payments and transactions using these cards.

Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

Best Time to Sell d House

You build your dream house with all the dedication and patience needed, lived in it and did all the things possible to ensure that its presentable to those coming over. But there are times when, even though you took all the necessary measures to make it appealing, it is unable to attract any buyers.

Following are a few remedial measures can be applied to get a good deal for your home

Maintenance and cleaning

A dirty and shabby looking house is not alluring to anyone. Roll up your sleeves and get ready for cleaning day. Clean the house without leaving any corner dusty. Minor details tend to show up at the darnedest times. Clean or replace the carpets, repaint the interiors and exteriors. Check all the light and bathroom fittings along with the electricity wiring to ensure safety. Make sure that the house is in good condition so much so that anyone who sees it would like to buy it. Dont overlook the backyard and the lawn; the former can be viewed through a neighbors driveway and the latter is easily noticeable to the buyers. Moreover, having a poorly lit front lawn could dissuade potential buyer. Mow the lawn and keep the garden clean and clutter-free.

Avoid spending a lot on the renovations, as the cost incurred could be more than the usual house expenses. Spend wisely at a reasonable rate keeping all the future expenses in mind.

Market trends

Get a rough idea of the current market state to gauge the possibility of a rise or dip in future. Sometimes because of the seasons and the moving habits of people, getting good buyers is tough. After that, you can give an apt pricing to your home. Dont be over confident and pull out a price out of the air. Compare with sales prices of the houses in your neighborhood. Some housing consultants give a detailed report of the sales prices with a neighborhood demographic profile along with the nearby homeowners.

Develop an advertising plan and place ads in local newspapers, radio or journals. The more exposure you can give, the more are the possibilities of buyers knowing about the availability of your house.

Hire an agent

It is comparatively difficult for people to sell the house by themselves than doing it through an agent. Agents simplify and quicken the whole process by giving you a fair estimate of the probable value of the house, and what can be done to enhance its appeal. They behave as mediators when there are times you have to go back and forth with the prices. Most importantly, find a suitable buyer and make it easy to get along with all the legal procedures thereafter.

Financing options

Homeowners should offer the buyers a favorable finance option they are comfortable with; a home warranty can assure the buyers about a hassle free in your home. Besides, you should be familiar with the deals and the negotiation methods to avoid any hassles. Getting this done through an agent is best suited to anyone.

If there are no buyers

If there are still no buyers for the house choose to rent it out till you get a decent pricing. Waiting for a buyer could mean additional spending on the maintenance of the house, you could rather make up for the money spent by giving the house on rent.

After waiting for a considerable period of time you are bound to get a fair price. But before that, other than financing and making the house appealing, you should ensure that there are no problems to you or the buyer after selling the house. You should be relived now the worst is over; you sell your house and can now be worry free about it being in safe hands.

Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Prepare Well Before Said

Before you decide that filing for bankruptcy would be the easiest thing for you to do, you may want to do some additional thinking about this whole scenario.

You must first consider whether your debts are dischargeable or not. You must decide if you want to keep all or part of your debt, costs involved, the benefits of filing bankruptcy, what kind of financial future you will have after you have filed for bankruptcy, the effect it may have on your employment or on your prospective employment and how your credit score may be changed and whether it will make an influence on whether you are able to rent or purchase a place to live.

Are Your Debts Dischargeable?
After doing some research, you may find that your debts may not be dischargeable, and therefore filing for bankruptcy will do no good. This is where your lawyer or credit counselor comes in. They can sit down with you and will be able to review your debts to see if they are dischargeable.

Do You Want To Keep Your Debt?
Let’s go over the two types of debts. A “secured debt” is one that is secured by collateral, such as a car loan or a mortgage. “Unsecured loans” are ones such as credit card debts, legal fees, medical bills and utility bills. You will want to discharge the unsecured loans and keep the secured debt if you can.

Is The Bankruptcy “Cost” Greater Than The “Benefit”?
Many people think that just by declaring bankruptcy, their financial slates are wiped clean. That is simply not true. Most debtors have to cough up at least a portion of their debts, and the courts may force you to sell assets to do that. You will find that is will be very hard to obtain credit for years. You will have the bankruptcy record showing up on your credit score for at least seven to ten years.

Should I file or should I have a Lawyer file for me?
I would definitely say that you should see a lawyer for this. This is a very important matter and one that you cannot afford to make a mistake in. That is where most people go wrong. Many people decide to file themselves. They thought they could just put everything under their spouse’s name. Wrong! They should have filed jointly. Don’t sell yourself short. Seek legal advice. You may not be aware of all of the new laws surrounding bankruptcy but your lawyer will. Spend the money - get a lawyer! You will very likely recoup the legal fees in the total amount that you save overall.

If You Come upon More Financial Problems What will Happen?
If your problems have emerged from your lifestyle rather than a sudden catastrophe, you want to put some careful thought into declaring bankruptcy. It is something to come out of an unexpected failure in business, lose a job, or have a catastrophic illness and get back on your feet. However, if you are one that cannot manage your own finances, then you must seriously think about declaring bankruptcy. You could be put in a position that is worse than your first.

In conclusion, if you are thinking about bankruptcy, you must weigh all of the pros and cons. You don’t want to turn around one day and have your first situation be worse for filing bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy Pitfalls

With unemployment spreading across the country, household foreclosures at all time highs, and credit card usage peaking previous history, bankruptcy appears to be a ray of sunshine for the individuals and families experiencing the pressures of our great nation’s economy. Before considering this as your “golden ticket”, allow me to shed some light on the consequences of filing bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, when considering bankruptcy, a common disbelief made by people is that it will be a fresh start for the individual. Actually, the process itself has become more time consuming, and the negatives outweigh the benefits. The first negative is common knowledge; the ten year blemish permanently staining the consumers credit bureau. What is less known is that that same record remains recorded throughout the courts public records for 20 years, causing difficulty in not only financing but also being hired by prospective employers. Additionally, this attracts high interest credit card companies and lending institutions to target these persons and further cause future difficulty, as if these kind folk haven’t been through enough.

Currently, with more and more new bankruptcy laws going into effect, just to file bankruptcy the client is enrolled into a “ticket-in” program. This is in essence a credit counseling session mandated by the courts through an agency approved by the U.S. Trustees Office. After finishing this program a completion certificate must be submitted. By the way, who do you think pays for this course? (Hint: not the government) Next, a “means” test must be done in order to qualify the candidate for filing, so if this person intended to file a Chapter 7 it is likely they will be rolled into a Chapter 13. Finally, a “Ticket Out” program must be completed, which is similar to a financial management course. These are merely the new hoops to go through for filing. I won’t even touch on the incredibly outrageous lawyers fees that must be paid, and again, not by the government.

Another aspect to consider are one’s assets. The courts can actually come to the filer’s house and repossess property it deems unnecessary to auction off as partial repayment to the creditors, if forced to file a Chapter 13. So the HBO package goes, as well as many other “luxuries”. Furthermore, failure to make payments on time, uncompleted ticket in/out programs or bad representation can cause the bankruptcy to be dismissed. When this happens the bankruptcy remains on the person’s credit report and has reaped absolutely no benefit from the process.

My recommendation for anyone considering this avenue is to really seek out the most viable option for your personal situation. Consider selling unwanted or unneeded assets, working more hours or a second job, conduct a budget analysis, factoring in all incoming and outgoing payments and communicate with your creditors.

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