Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Consistent Profit on Forex

There are many tips out there that "show" you how to win at Forex, but not all of them can make you succeed online. First things first, let us start at the premise no material or "guru" can guarantee you achieve financial success consistently at Forex, the only person who can do that is you. The materials and forex education programs are developed to help you plan your trade and develop within you the discipline and tap the side of you who wants to win at Forex.

You do not want to win in Forex, you want to earn big CONSISTENTLY. There are wins out there and there are losses, and your fear of losing cannot be fixed by any medicine, but the only way to eradicate this fear is by understanding. And by understanding foreign exchange, there is knowledge and success.

Here are four simple steps in eliminating fear and achieving financial success at Forex.

1. Get Currency Education. The basis of all understanding is opening your mind to ideas and methods you may or may not have encountered before. Getting Educated with a credible Forex Course is the starting point of achieving the results you want.

The tricky part is there are a lot of information sources out there, choose wisely in whatever course you may go into. Free courses are great, but paid courses have credible persons behind it, such as Forex mentor. Education in Forex is like school or a university, private investment in education is an investment here that can pay you back tenfold.

2. Finding the best trading method. How will you know if it is "best" for you? Here is a simple tip, no matter how complex or simple a forex method is for you, you cannot succeed if you cannot understand and apply it.

There are methods out there that may seem complex, and one may find a complex method "more effective" in one way or another. The truth is that a complex method is just a combination of some simple ones used in an awkward manner. Find a method that you can easily understand and apply.

3. Discipline and Sacrifice. Sacrifice may mean negative to some of us, but technically, sacrifice is one's giving up of a lesser thing to gain a bigger thing. In Forex, some losses may be the "lesser thing" I was talking about, and the bigger thing you may get is education and experience. Adding it with time, and the bigger thing may not be only the education and experience, it is certain that so is your profits!

Discipline is another way to put the word consistency. If you cannot be consistent at Forex, there is no learning, and when there is no learning, there is no consistent profits. Taking time to study and discover new methods and approaches and sticking to it is what makes winners.

4. Be simple. Forex doesn't have to be that hard on you! Over analyzing things, especially in Forex may just cause stress and occasional headaches. When analyzing trends and methods, look at the bigger picture in you mind, this will become clear and open you ideas you may not have seen or heard before.

If you know how to trade in the end of day basis, you will discover that you can be financially successful and rich with Forex. It requires less time, less stress, more patience and a different Forex trading method /rules than Day Trading.

Forex Trading is truly an option to create wealth and time freedom at the same time. Even successful traders experience loss, but following the four simple steps above can remove the side within you that has the fear, and lets out in you a side that wants to win.

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

WOW Money!

Not enough money to buy the equipment you need? The amount of money you need for your epic flyig mount seems impossible to get? Looking for a good method to make WoW money? I know your frustration, I've been there too. Therefore, in this article I will show you how to make WoW money at a decent rate, even if you don't have an epic flying mount.

This is my number one method to make WoW money and even if it's easy to apply, it has some requirements. In the next paragraph I will tell you what you need to have on your character to be able to apply this method.

The requirements of my number one method to make WoW money

As I said you don't need an epic flying mount to do this, actually this being my way of making the money I need for my "bird". However, ground epic mount is a good thing to have. You'll be needing to move as fast as possible to be ahead your competitors. The second requirement is mining. To make WoW money my way, you need minimum 275 mining skill, to be able to dig up Thorium. The third thing you need is 250 skill in jewelcrafting, to be able to prospect the thorium. For this method to make WoW money go smoother, it's a good thing to be at least level 67. This way you will minimize your aggro and you will be able to move easily throughout the mobs. Last but not least, you need to be extremely sharp. You need to spot and pick up all the ore that you see on your radar, because that is your money. As you may see, my method is based on mining thorium and prospecting it. In the next part of this article I will reveal exactly how to do it and where to do it.

My number one method to make WoW money

The best place to gather Thorium is Silithus. The places with the highest concentration of this metal are at the three insect hives located to the North, South-East and South-West. I usually start at the northern lair. When I've drained all the resources at one of the lairs, I simply move to the other. After finishing with the third, I go back to the first. By this time, new Thorium nodes should be up again at the first location. As I said at the requirements section, it's a good thing to be level 67+ to avoid the aggro easily and focus on the mining.

After an hour of mining here I end up with 5 stacks of Thorium ore. Now, even if you don't have jewelcrafting, you can sell the ore at the Auction House, or turn it into bars and sell them (whichever are more expensive).

Sometimes the thorium price goes up to 50g per stack because this metal is very needed especially for engineering, jewelcrafting and blacksmithing. If you have jewelcrafting (250+ skill) it's even better. Prospecting the ore you can get even more cash then just selling the pure ore. For example, after a one hour session last night I got 5 stacks of thorium as usual. Prospecting them I ended up with: 5 Huge Emeralds (25g a piece), 6 Azerothian Diamonds (20g a piece), 4 Large Opals (18g a piece), 4 Blue Sapphires (18g a piece) and 5 Star Rubies (9g a piece). This brought me a total of 434g. Not bad for an hour of mining/prospecting.
As I said this is my number one method to make WoW money and it works perfectly for gathering your cash for the epic flying mount.

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

Long Lines = Extra Money

Disneyland is one of the most popular attractions in the world. They bring tens of thousands of people to their gates every day. Like any other amusement park in the world you have to prepare to serve your time in line. Nevertheless, there are still some things that you can do in order to avoid long lines during your Disneyland visit. Here are some of them.

Arrive At The Park Early

As the saying goes, the Early Bird Gets The Worm, in this case your worm would be the comfort of not having to wait in extremely long lines and seeing most of the park while others are still stuck in line. Beating the crowd is definitely effective here at Disneyland. statistics show that park lines are always shorter during the morning.

Take this advantage by visiting the popular attractions and rides first. Create a game plan with your family and map out where you need to be to hit the best and most popular rides first. With this plan you will be able to visit the minor attractions during mid-day when all other people are busy lining up for the major rides.

Arrive Later

Another way to avoid lines would be by targeting the popular rides and attractions much later in your day. However, this strategy is only recommended if you really can't be there early. If you access the best rides during the evening hours, there will be fewer lines to fall into on your part.

Dinner time is a good time to go for the popular rides. You can expect that everyone else will be hitting the restaurants and having their magical Disney dinner. Dinner time is also parallel to a majority of entertainment shows. You can expect that a bulk of the park visitors will definitely be off somewhere else.

Take Advantage Of The FastPass Ticketing System

Everybody needs a FastPass. Which is great for you since everyone gets a FastPass no matter what kind of ticket they purchased. Although it entail a little planning, this system could really pay you big dividends especially with saving time.

To make the most out of this system, your best bet would be reserving tickets early and targeting the more popular rides during the morning. Another advantage is that you can get these tickets through phone or on the Internet. This type of ticket is only offered for the most popular attractions and busiest rides.

You could may get a FastPass through the FastPass automated machines that can be found near the FastPass equipped rides. These machines are fast and easy to use. Don't expect to be placed in front of the line. The FastPass allows you to make a reservation with the ride while you go do something else.

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