Selasa, 11 November 2008

Save Money on SHopping

Shopping is very addictive. Most of the time, the household budget is sacrificed once you go shopping. Shopping should not give you headaches as long as you know how to budget. Here are the things that you need to remember:

1. Always remember to spend your money wisely whenever you go shopping. Bring only the exact amount of money you need in buying your items. To ensure that you only buy the important things, you have to make a list of the items that you need to buy. You may then budget your money wisely and will prevent you from buying things that are not that important.

2. It is advisable that you compare prices from different stores before buying an item. Do not limit yourself to just one store. There are stores that offer the same quality but can have a lower price. A smart thing you may do is to be attentive to the prices of the items that you buy regularly when shopping. There are instances that a store has an untimely changing of prices on different items.

3. It is recommended that you do your shopping during the end of the season. Prices of many items, especially clothes, are very low and affordable during this time of the year. You may buy clothes in the months of August and September if you are looking for bargain clothes for your summer wear.

4. You may shop in dollar stores where you can find items that are on sale and where prices are low. Although the quality of some items is not the same when you buy in malls and shopping galleries but the merchandises are still new and not yet used. These stores can provide you the best prices that can cope with on your budget.

5. Another way to save money while shopping is to economize the travel you make in finding the stores you want to buy an item. You may take a stop on your daily route to check if the items you buy regularly have not changed their prices or are still in the price of your budget. You may purchase the item even before you do your shopping schedule. This can save you fuel and time.

6. Try to find discount stores that offer quality items that have discounts and can offer a very affordable price on your desired item. The prices on discount stores may vary depending on the season of the year. These stores can be located in large shopping areas like in malls and shopping galleries.

Kamis, 06 November 2008

Credit Score

Your credit score gets checked whenever you try to apply for a credit card, apply for a loan, or make any kind of credited purchase. Your credit score is basically a number that represents how trustworthy the business world believes you to be as far as making your payments is concerned, a higher number indicating more confidence in your ability to pay. Your credit score is derived from information found in a credit report.

All the financial activity you have engaged in over the past seven years is recorded in your credit report. If you have filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy or closed an account that had been in good standing, this will continue to appear in your credit report for ten years.

Your three digit credit score is calculated based on a formula developed by credit report companies. They go over information connected to your credit history to determine your score. California established a law in 2000 that allows anyone applying for credit to have access to their credit score. Now federal law permits you access to information that the credit card companies used to keep secret, like how your credit score is determined.

Credit scores are not difficult to calculate or understand. The actual score is made up of a number of variables and falls somewhere between 300 and 900. The score is based 35% off of your history of payments, 30% on current debt, 15% on how long you have had credit, 10% on what kinds of credit you have access to now, and 10% on how many times your report has been asked for. After comparing those pieces of information with other similar consumers, your credit score is calculated.

Suggestions for improving your credit score:
Maintain your credit rotating at about 25% of your total credit limit.
Don’t be late paying. Making payments earlier than necessary does not incur any penalty.
When trying to get a loan, shop around for one during a period of thirty days so that all requests made to check your credit score are considered to be one total request.
Know your credit score. Each year, you can check your credit score for free by visiting Doing so will help you prevent problems from escalating until they create large problems.

Sabtu, 01 November 2008

Shop and Save

You have long known the credit card. It is said to be your ultimate gear when you go shopping. The plastic can even be a best friend to a happy shopper.

Considering the times nowadays, this plastic seems to be the least practical option out there. It is actually the most convenient tool used for consumption when you are out of cash. It lures you to spend.

Is there anyway for your credit card to be useful for your saving endeavors?

Yes, actually there are ways that the plastic can be helpful. You CAN actually save money with that credit card.

0% Balance Transfers

If your present credit card has high interests, you can transfer your balance to one with a low-interest or no-interest at all. It can offer you a 0% interest for a certain period and then a lower regular rate later on. A 19% interest rate can be transferred to one with 16.1%. The 2.9% difference means a lot, especially in the long run.

Lower Interest Rates

Look for one with the lowest rate among others to further maximize having a credit card. This definitely spells savings. If you do not have a balance yet, it is best to look for a card without annual fees.

Take extra precautions, too, in assuming that the lowest interest rate is the best for you. Factor in your buying habits. You may be attracted to the low rates, but the end result may not be desirable if combined with the annual fees and the like.

Rewards Program

Reward points system and cash back programs are offered now. This can save you money. Maintaining a low balance despite your frequent buys will give you at most 5% off on purchases.

There are even cash rebates up to 5% when you use the credit card at certain gas stations, convenience stores and groceries. This can be automatically applied to your bill, the more you can feel the savings you are making.

Maximizing The Experience

To reap the rewards, you must avoid the drawbacks. A prudent person will definitely look for the best deals and grab it right away but with some caution.

Thus it is necessary that you read the details. Check the fees that may be charged and the penalty rates in case you delay. This may be the downside of the deal offered to you. For example, be careful of cash advance features of credit cards. Some of them can be very expensive. They can come with numerous fees and higher rates.

Be wary! Spending cannot be avoided at times. Just don’t forget your goal, getting a good deal to save.

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